“The Friends of the Thumb Octagon Barn” goal is to grow and maintain a volunteer group. We are involved in the restoration and preservation of the barn complex as an educational tool preserving our rural and agricultural history for the benefit of our visitors. Fund-raising efforts have grown into annual events known around the state. The vision to preserve has grown into a plan to own and operate an historical agricultural site for the education, recreation and entertainment of the community and visitors.
Currently the Friends of the Thumb Octagon Barn has nearly 800 members — many from all over the State of Michigan and around the country. Members may receive the Barn Newsletter and volunteer their time to help out if they are able. There are always work activities, festivals, gatherings and restoration upkeep that bring members together in the community. Upkeep is ongoing. Help is always needed and appreciated.
You can fill out the form on this page and print/submit it or you can download the Volunteer form here and remit your payment through the mail. Thank you.