The Friends of the Thumb Octagon Barn thank you for visiting our website. Many of you have sent nice letters of fond memories about the Barn or Thumb area. We send our appreciation and gratitude for your kindness and wonderful words. Thank you.
General Information: Kathy Moss 989-665-0081
Activities & Event Scheduling: Tammi Hensley 865-297-6475
Thumb Octagon Barn/School Tours: Diane Rapson-Gabil 989-392-1080
Fall Family Days: Martin Kubacki 989-551-0526 & Dennis Anderson 989-550-4416
Vendors: Dana Irion 989-553-0585
Wedding Coordinator: Tammi Hensley 865-297-6475
If you would like to send us an email, please use this secure form:
Comments or questions are welcome.