Interested in attending next year? We are pleased to announce the 2019 School Tours will take place from Wednesday, May 8th to Friday the 10th. The theme for 2019 is “Food Industry…Past & Present. Please follow this link to register.
Here’s some statistics from the 3 day event:
1,426 students attended
399+ chaperones/educators attended
187 Volunteers with 34 of them who had never volunteered for School Tours before!
Michigan Counties represented by student participants: Huron, Tuscola, Sanilac, Bay, Saginaw, St. Clair, Lapeer, and Genesee
26 Education Stations offered to students
This year, the Thumb Octagon Barn participated with the following organizations and we thank them for there support:
Michigan State Extension
Michigan Bean Commission
Michigan Sugar Company
Regional Maple Syrup Group
Michigan Bee Keepers
Tuscola County Jail Trainees
Know anybody that could help us out next year? We are looking for volunteers for future educational stations in rope making and old time medicine. Thank you again to our volunteers who made this years event a success!